Six astonishing health benefits of fasting during Ramadan

As well as spiritual development, fasting provides amazing health benefits to the body during the holy month of Ramadan.

There is no question of the bountiful blessings of Ramadan. From the spiritual to the personal, the holy month is a time of deep reflection, worship and betterment of the soul. But what about our health? 30 days of fasting is a huge favour to that, too. Here are six benefits you should know about.

1. Weight loss and increased metabolism

Intermittent fasting, the kind Muslims fast in Ramadan, has been associated with the prevention of obesity and helps significantly lower cholesterol levels.

Fasting forces your liver to break down more cholesterol in our bodies to power us through the day. This increases our metabolism and generates enough heat in our bodies to burn more fat, where stored energy is kept, to maintain our normal bodily functions.

Fasting also increases protein production which generates a resistance to insulin, which has been suggested as an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes.

2. Reduces chances of high blood pressure

Fasting can help reduce risks of high blood pressure. As the metabolism works to clear our bodies of fatty tissues, the digestive system takes some much needed time to rest from breaking down food.

Your body’s energy levels begin to regulate, your body becomes more relaxed, and high blood pressure can start to settle.

3. Detoxification and improvement of the digestive system

While our fatty tissue and energy reserves are used up, hidden toxins are destroyed in the process. The additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, e-numbers sweeteners and artificial colouring (amongst others) lying in your tissue from the processed foods we eat are destroyed before they can further toxify our bodies.

Our digestive system takes a well-earned break, too. Fasting gives our guts the chance to balance itself out, get rid of unhelpful acids and begin to mend.

4. Development of brain function

When we start our fast at suhoor or break our fast for iftar, our body begins breaking down the new food and glucose we eat. When we fast during daylight hours, it goes back to breaking down old fatty tissue.

Switching between breaking down these two sources of energy forces our brains to work twice as hard. This creates new brain cells, connections and pathways that enhance brain power and development.

5. Reduces depression, stress and anxiety

Throughout the fast, our blood gets filled with the goodness of endorphins. These are powerful functions that alleviate pain, boosts mood and reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. Fasting also helps us regulate our hormone levels through self-restraint and watching what we eat, when we eat and how we eat.

Exercising during Ramadan also increases the production of endorphins, but exercise within moderation!

6. Cell repair

Another incredible benefit of fasting during Ramadan is the repair of the cells in our body. Waste material and other impurities are burnt from our tissue and blood. Our genes are taken care of, too. Fasting is seen to increase longevity, which can in turn prevent disease and illness from taking root.

Within the limits that have been set for us, fasting has innumerate benefits. The focus of Ramadan should always be on our spiritual development. However, it is useful to know that our bodies and our health - physical, mental and emotional - are being looked after, too.

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